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You Are Not Going To Like What Is Going On.

Here we go again folks.  I don't like it anymore than you do, but we have major problems with our local government.

It took me a long time to find out what was going on in our government for the last 10 years or so.  It takes a lot to shock me, but I have been shocked at what I discovered.

Since April 2011, I hoped we would finally have what was promised by those who stepped up to get things back in order.

The vision set forth at that time is a stark contrast to what we have today.  This statement is just as true today as it was in 2007:  Union Bay landowners are represented by elected officials cherry picking rules, regulations, policies, and obligations/duties as officers to protect the interests of us - the landowners.

In my opinion, this Board is compromised, leaving the community vulnerable financially - therefore, at risk.  You comfortable with that?

Any TAG steering committee members reading this need to contact their buddies and start asking questions.

I have been patient and see nothing but problems ahead with a Board continuing this way.  And, don't even get me started on the fact it's a Political Party - thanks for replacing our system of government without asking us, and actually succeeding in dividing the community further.  Not a member of TAG - you're officially on 'the other side'.

More to come............

Welcome Union Bay's Newest Resident - Zoe Livesey

What a cute face and curly ears - a real sweety!  Bruce and Delores Livesey have added Zoe to their family.  Congrats - hope you will join our friendly group of wonderful socialized dogs.

The Flip Side - Chivalry is not Dead

I want to acknowledge a very thoughtful gesture and genuine concern for others by Alan Webb.  Politics aside, Alan phoned me Friday and was concerned about disturbing posters put up in the community with my name displayed.  He was so concerned he offered to go with me and remove them.  Alan went above and beyond what was necessary or expected, displaying his community spirit and integrity.

You are a welcome addition to our community.  Thank you for making my first run in an election pleasant and interesting.  

Thank you Alan.

Democracy/Candidacy Manipulated by TAG Leaders

TAG was such a good group initially because everyone was welcome and felt their concerns were heard.

Power corrupts. Looks like the control and power might have been the goal intended by the "Gate Keepers" (their reference) of TAG. No one is going to pry control out of their hands!

I still don't understand how a watch dog group can morph into a political party? Was there a membership vote or was it created by the steering committee?

Win or lose, I said I would keep going.

It was confirmed Saturday, April 21, 2012, in front of a witness, a duly elected Trustee of our Improvement District along with a TAG member approached Bob Leary last year prior to the byelection encouraging him to withdraw his candidacy. This is WRONG.

A couple of months ago, at a UBID monthly meeting I asked if anyone from TAG or UBID had been involved. I was told it was "an inappropriate question".

When I had confirmation both were involved, I advised the Chair of UBID and the response I received was "What is wrong with that?". I explained it's interfering in democracy and my choices. The Chair stated the conversation was over and turned away.

This is exactly the pattern by previous boards. You have caught them in something they know they shouldn't be doing and simply refuse to answer.

You want the truth? Simply ask them. Ask them if they discussed planning on deceiving the community about a legal decision, during a caucus meeting of the political party TAG.

Ask any one of those 5 Trustees about the two issues above, and you will know who is truthful and who isn't. Easy test.

It was surprising Saturday to see others receiving 'the hate look' (reserved for me) simply because they asked questions. Especially, because these were loyal TAG supporters/steering committee members who are now seeing we have the same old same old.

Most TAG supporters are unaware of the changes made and probably feel everything is okay believing TAG is was it initially was - a very good voice for the community. Not another political party.

The new resident who spoke yesterday correcting the manner in which questions and motions are to be dealt with, will be an asset. He repeatedly corrected the Chair to assist long time resident Gerry Sando in getting his question responded to properly. A group of us spoke to him afterwards, and he will certainly help keep things democratic.

His bottom line is Democracy. Believing everyone walks away happy.

This is the attitude we need to promote.

1. Alan Webb Wins Big 2. There Is A Creep Roaming Union Bay

I had posted something earlier on The Cumberlander, but the editor must be away right now.

Congratulations to Alan Webb who defeated me yesterday (I received 39 votes - increasing my support base ten fold - yay) for a Trustee position on the Union Bay Improvement District Board.

On another matter which took place Friday.  Only a disgusting piece of crap would feel comfortable sneaking around like a rat anonymously distributing their garbage.  The first person that comes to mind that has stooped to these depths previously is the owner of the following website which he proudly displays.  He has identified himself as Bryan Baker of Comox and has left a few suggestions as to what he thinks should happen in Union Bay.

There is something wrong with our community standards and it's not up to UBID - fire, water, lighting - remember?  The community needs to encourage differing opinions - not join in or covering for those who are cowards like the owner of the disturbing picture.  

The owner clearly displays their lack of respect for women - same as Baker who first sent me an anonymous obscene email and then created a blog using my name to simply discredit me and praise his friends - no facts.

Why are we supporting and encouraging Hillbilly Ethics?